Our productions < Boy, Girl, Dog, Cat, Mouse, Cheese

Boy, Girl, Dog, Cat, Mouse, Cheese
Format : 104 X 11′ (2 seasons)
Target audience : 6 – 10 years old
Coproducers : CloudCo Entertainment, Kavaleer Productions
Created by : Jeff Harter
Literary bible : Scott Peterson, Neil Alsip
Graphic bible : David Maingault, Manu Tanon-Tchi and Sophie Castaignède
Directed by : Jérémy Guiter and Matthieu Giner
Story edited by : Tom Krajewski and Sylvain Huchet
Pitch : Welcome to the crazy universe of the most unlikely blended family, which includes two human kids (Boy and Girl), three anthropomorphic animals (Dog, Cat and Mouse) and even… a talking piece of cheese? Living together under the same roof is a daily challenge for our six siblings, but they are determined to prove they can form a true family, even if it’s unlike any other!
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